Full Grooming
Head to paw professional groom tailored to your dog’s specific breed. It includes a general health check, thorough brushing, maintenance of all the hygiene points – eyes, ears cleaning,nails (trimming), pads (trimming and cleaning), bum and groin (clipping) followed by a warm bath, fluff dry, hair cut or clip. All clips or trims are breed specific unless a different style is requested. Dogs that shed or dogs with wiry coat will receive appropriate treatment, e.g. de-shedding or hand-stripping, depending on coat type and requirements. As a complimentary service the dog will be sprayed with 'Baby Powder' dog perfume and complimentary bow.
Do tell us if your dog has skin condition, as we can use a medicated shampoo to help with condition
The cost is an estimate and dependant on the size, condition and breed of dog.
Airedale Terrier € 80
Akita from € 95
Basset Hound € 45
Beagle € 45
Bernese Mountain Dog from €130
Bichon Frise € 65
Border Collie € 65(shaved €70)
Border Terier € 60
Boxer € 45
Bulldog € 45
Bullmastiff € 65
Cairn Terrier € 60
Cavalier King Charles € 60
Cavachon € 60
Cavapoo € 60
Chihuahua – Long coat € 50
Chihuahua – Short coat € 35
Cocker Spaniel € 70
Collie Rough up to € 100
Corgi € 60
Dalmatian € 50
Dachshund Smooth €40
Dachshund Long Hair €55
Doberman Pinscher € 55
Dogue de Bordeaux € 70
Fox Terrier – Smooth € 50
Fox Terrier – Wire € 70
French Bulldog €40
German Shepherd – Long € 95
German Shepherd – Short € 70
Golden Retriever € 80(shaved €85)
Great Dane € 65
Greyhound € 55
Havanese € 65
Irish Wolfhound €95
Jack Russell € 45 (shaved € 55)
Labrador € 65
Labradoodle Mini €80
Labradoodle Medium €90
Labradoodle Large € 100
Labradoodle XL €115 Lhasa Apso € 60
Malamutes from € 130
Maltese € 60
Mastiff € 65
Newfoundland from € 130
Sheepdog from € 100
Papillion € 60
Pekingese € 60
Pinscher € 45
Pit Bull € 55
Pomeranian € 65 (shaved €70)
Poodle Toy € 65
Poodle Miniature € 75
Poodle Standard € 95
Pug € 40
Rottweiler € 65
Saint Bernard from € 130
Samoyed from € 120
Schnauzer – Miniature € 65
Schnauzer – Standard € 75
Schnauzer – Giant € 90
Scottish Terrier € 65
Setter € 75
Shar Pei € 55
Shih Tzu € 60
Siberian Husky from € 80
Springer Spaniel € 70
Spitz € 70
West Highland Terrier € 60
Wheaten Terrier € 75
Yorkshire Terrier € 60
Puppy Pamper
Introduction to grooming for puppies under 6 months. Includes a brush out, warm bath, light trim, nail trim and ear cleaning.
Small Dog €40 Medium Dog €50 Large Dog from €60
Mini Groom
Includes a wash and fluff dry, hygiene areas shaved, ears cleaned, nails cut, pads shaved, anal glands expressed(by request only), face and paws trim
Small Dog €40 Medium Dog €50 Large Dogs from €60
Bath and Brush
Treatment to keep dog clean and knot free in between full grooms, includes a thorough brushing, warm bath and dry. No trimming included.
Small Dog €35 Medium Dog €45 Large Dog €50 XLarge €60
Hygiene and Additional Treatments
Nail clipping - €10
Anal glands - €8
Eyes, fringe, ears, nails - €20
Eyes, fringe, ears, nails, feet, groin, bum - €25
Hand stripping - €35 per hour
Frontline spray treatment against fleas and ticks - €7